May 29, 2024 | Tips

Don’t Wait Until July: It’s Time to Start Recruiting!
Here’s why you should consider starting your recruitment process now:
- Act Fast, Secure Top Talent: Many high-calibre candidates are on notice periods, often around 4 weeks. Waiting until July means missing out on these individuals who may have already accepted other offers by then. Don’t let procrastination rob you of the best!
- Beat the Rush: As companies ramp up hiring in July, competition for talent will inevitably increase. By starting now, you’ll avoid the influx of applications and get your pick from a wider pool of qualified candidates before the frenzy begins.
- Secure Offers in Just 2 Weeks: We understand the urgency. That’s why our streamlined process can help you reach the offer stage within 2 weeks of identifying the right candidate. No more waiting months for decisions – act swiftly and secure your ideal hire.
- Attract the Ambitious: Starting your recruitment process now demonstrates your proactive and decisive approach. This can be incredibly attractive to ambitious candidates who appreciate swiftness and efficiency. Show them you mean business and attract the talent you deserve.
- Hit the Ground Running in April: By starting now, you can complete pre-screening, interviews, and offer stages before the new financial year begins. This means your new hires can hit the ground running on day one, ready to contribute immediately and boost your productivity.
It’s not too late! Take advantage of the remaining six weeks by initiating your recruitment process today. Contact us to discuss your needs and let us help you secure the talent you need to thrive in the new financial year. Remember, proactive companies attract the best. Don’t miss out!
P.S. Share this blog with your network – let’s spread the word that proactive recruitment is the key to success in the new financial year!

We’d love to discuss your IT recruitment needs and help you find your next superstar. Please call us on 0207 788 6600 or email us at and one of our consultants will be happy to advise you. You can also follow us on Facebook.
May 29, 2024 | Tips
The End of Hybrid Working: Why it is Happening and How to Adapt.

Hybrid working is the combination of working from an office and from a remote location. It has been on the rise due to technological advancements, the COVID-19 pandemic, and changing workforces. However, the end of hybrid working is now in sight. This article will outline the impact of hybrid working, the reasons why it is ending, and strategies to prepare for the transition to a more traditional office-based working arrangement.
Impact of Hybrid Working
Hybrid working has had both positive and negative impacts on the workforce. On the positive side, it has made it easier for employees to balance their work and personal lives while increasing flexibility, collaboration, and communication. The downside, however, is that it has increased stress and overload, resulting in decreased productivity for many workers.
Reasons for the End of Hybrid Working
The primary reasons why hybrid working is declining are technology, social and political issues, and changing workforce dynamics. Technological advancements such as automation, artificial intelligence, and cloud computing are allowing businesses to operate more efficiently and with less overhead. As a result, they are now able to move away from hybrid working arrangements, as these technologies are able to fully support a traditional office environment.
Social and political issues also play a role in the end of hybrid working. As the world emerges from the pandemic, regulations and laws may be enacted to ensure that the workplace is safe for all members. These regulations may require employers to move back into fully office-based systems. Additionally, growing disparities in digital access have made it difficult for some workers to efficiently perform their tasks remotely. This has created a need for more traditional office-based work arrangements.
Preparing for the End of Hybrid Working
Organizations that are preparing for the end of hybrid working need to develop strategies for flexible working arrangements. Employers also need to consider the impact that this transition may have on their employees. Implementing employee wellness plans and creating a transition plan that includes clear communication with employees about the change is essential.

Hybrid working has been on the rise in recent years, but it is now entering a period of decline. New research has indicated that almost two-thirds of CEOs want to remove hybrid work within three years. The primary reasons for the end of hybrid working are technological advancements, social and political issues, and changing workforce dynamics. To prepare for this inevitable transition, organizations need to develop strategies for flexible working arrangements that include policies, training, and technology. By staying ahead of the trend, organizations can ensure that their employees are adequately supported during the transition.
Let’s discuss your specific IT recruitment requirements today. Reach us at 020 7788 6600 or via email at
We’d love to hear your views on this blog. Tweet us @ITRecruitment, or follow us on Facebook or LinkedIn
May 29, 2024 | Tips
Employee retention is a hot topic right now. With the jobs market at pre-pandemic levels already, more and more people are moving on to a new challenge. On top of this, the skills shortage we all experienced before Covid is now back with a vengeance. So it’s more important than ever that you look after your top talent.
After over 20 years in IT recruitment, we know why people move on. So we’ve put together our top tips to help you hold on to your most valuable commodity, and arguably your only true competitive advantage – your staff!
Employee retention start with recruitment and on-boarding
As many as 76% of companies are not onboarding their new hires properly! And when you consider how difficult it is right now to attract the best candidates, this is truly remarkable. When someone starts with your company, they are full of enthusiasm and are open to learning more. Use this time wisely.
Increasing the salary won’t cut it, or certainly not for long
Last week, we wrote a blog on counter offers and the shocking truth remains – these are the least effective way to solve your employee retention problems. Did you know that it’s proven that 80% of people leave within 6 months of accepting a counter offer? And what’s worse, 90% leave within 12 months. So, at best, you are just extending the time until you have to look for a replacement. Counter offers should be viewed as a short term strategy as they rarely work out in the long term.
It’s highly unlikely that salary is the only reason that is making someone in your team look for another job.

Make growth and development a priority
This is particularly important in IT. And, when it’s shown that companies who do make growth and development a priority experience 53% lower attrition then it’s worth investing your time. It doesn’t have to be anything formal, although this will help, but simply giving people the opportunity to learn and develop with you, will not only benefit them as individuals. According to LinkedIn, as many as 94% would stay longer if their company invested in their professional development.
Think about where your company may be in 2 – 5 years’ time. Have you got the technology in place to help take you on that journey? If not, then this is the perfect opportunity for some development for your team. Get them involved!
Recognition and appreciation – the key to employee retention
There areseveralways to approach recognition and reward and we would always recommend a combination for the best results.
Firstly, there are the tangible rewards. A thank you for a job well done. These can be shopping vouchers, additional days off or a bonus. But these rewards have an expiry date and people are loyal up to the point that they receive the award. Unless you are happy to run these incentives on a monthly or even quarterly basis, they are unlikely to prevent someone from moving on to a new job.
What will really make you stand out from the crowd are intangible rewards and recognition. These are the only things that are truly unique to your company. You’ll have heard the phrase ‘people don’t leave jobs, they leave managers’ and we see this on a daily basis. Being appreciated by your manager and having a good relationship with them is something that can’t easily be replaced.
Longer term rewards like promotions and pay rises that show you are paying attention to what your employees are achieving and rewarding them accordingly. This goes a long way!
Review your benefits
What people wanted from their benefits has changed dramatically in the last 18 months. Are you up to speed?
There has to be more focus on employee wellbeing as we begin the slow return to the office. if your employees feel supported, accommodated and empathised with, no matter the situation, then you will be repaid in loyalty. 90% of employees are likely to stay with a company that is empathetic to their needs, plus they are also willing to work longer hours too. To prove how important this is, as many as 60% would take slightly less pay if it meant that their employer was empathetic!
If you would like any help or advice on anything IT recruitment related, get in touch with our expert team today. We’ve been recruiting IT professionals since 1999 and know what it takes to attract and retain the best! 0207 788 6600 / 01244 566442
May 29, 2024 | IT
The IT jobs market is HOT right now! With lots of jobs and not enough candidates, it’s more important than ever that you choose the right IT recruiter for you.
If you’re looking for the ideal IT recruiter for your company but feel overwhelmed with the number of recruitment agencies out there, keep reading. From characteristics of a good recruiter, to ways of finding the best fit for you, here’s a go to guide:
Consider your company needs
What are you recruiting for? And how do you make sure you choose the best agency for you? Understanding your company needs is key when looking for your IT recruitment agency of choice. Therefore, you should look to the agencies who specialise in IT and the specialist role you are looking to recruit. Agencies that are true specialists will have a stronger network in their sector than a ‘one size fits all’ recruiter.
Consider your budget
It goes without saying that it is imperative that you take your recruitment budget into consideration. However, many recruiters work to different percentages. Some will even reduce their rates for multiple roles or exclusivity. So remember to ask that question to help ensure that you find a recruiter who’s within your reach financially.

Qualities of your ideal IT recruiter
- Specialised knowledge: Are you recruiting for a specialised area of business? Say you’re looking for a Systems Analyst who has the ability to use all the latest technologies and methodologies. It makes sense to collaborate with a specialised recruiter, who understands the ins and outs of what it takes to succeed in this role. Some recruiters will have even worked in their chosen specialism themselves.
- Shared values and working styles: It is crucial that you work with a recruiter who understands and even shares your values and ways of working. Collaborating with a recruiter should make your job easier and take away any stress. This is equally important when it comes to considering your candidate experience. A recruiter is the first point of contact for candidates in your application process. Make sure you are happy for them to represent you.
- Experience: Another way to understand whether a recruiter is ideal for your business is to take their previous experience into consideration. Have they worked on this area previously? Do they regularly work on senior placements? What success stories can they share with you. With the market as it is at the moment, it’s really important to partner with an experienced IT recruiter.
- Quality of database and network: You’ve probably heard it before. All an agency does is advertise a vacancy and screen the responses. Then they charge a fortune to do so! And yes, for some recruiters this probably does happen. However, by partnering with a company who has been building a solid database over the last 10 years or more is worth its weight in gold. A recruiters database and network is where your ideal candidates are hiding. They are not waiting to see an advert on a job board. The best candidates are the passive candidates. Those that can be attracted to your company with a unique opportunity. This is where an experienced recruiter stands heads and shoulders above the rest. You want the best candidates IN the market, not the best ON the market.
How to find your ideal IT recruiter
Now you’ve considered your recruitment goals and the type of recruiter you need; it’s time to narrow down your search. But how?
- Look on LinkedIn: And we don’t just mean look for recruiters. Look in the jobs section and see which recruiters are advertising similar roles. Take a look on the company website too. Whilst this won’t tell you how successful they are at filling them, it’s a good place to start. You know that a company has trusted them to recruit that role. Therefore, it’s an easy way of narrowing down your search.
- Ask for testimonials: By looking at testimonials, you will gain an understanding of the type of companies’ the recruiter has worked with. Additionally, you’ll gauge how a recruiter has been perceived by candidates depending on their level of support. Sometimes this information will be on an individuals LinkedIn profile too.
- Have a conversation: A golden oldie – having a conversation. Sometimes you can gauge a recruiter’s passion simply through a phone call. By talking to a recruiter, it gives you a chance to ask how they work. Spend the time you need with the recruiter to make sure that they understand all your requirements clearly. You can usually rate a recruiter on the questions they as you!
If you’re searching for specialist IT recruiters we can help. Our personal experience along with our recruitment expertise makes us stand out in the market. Contact our team today!
May 29, 2024 | IT
IT contractors could be just what you need right now. As business needs change and fluctuations are more difficult to forecast than previous years, it can be hard to get your headcount right. With the changes we have all seen over the last 12 months, many companies are looking to introduce new technology to support the new way of working. If you, like many others, have additional projects on your to do list this year, an IT contractor is the perfect solution. These projects may also be combined with an increased output and you need more hands-on deck to keep your customers happy. There may be a new piece of work that has come as a surprise and you need more help last minute.
For all these reasons and more – experience the benefits of hiring an IT contractor.
IT contractors are perfect for project work
We understand that IT projects aren’t undertaken on a whim and very often have both time and cost restraints. Getting it right first time and within budget is vital to your business. We know that you could re-assign someone within your existing team to carry out your new project. And this does work for some companies. However, entrusting something so important to someone who may not necessarily have all of the skills or specific experience comes with risks. We also know that you could hire someone permanent, but this may not be sustainable once the project is completed. This is where IT contractors are the perfect solution!
Hiring IT contractors to gain access to new skills
An IT contractor will have amassed a huge array of skills and experience from previous contracts. And you can tap in to all these skills. Hiring an IT contractor means that they can bring experience from previous jobs that may be of real value to you. Maybe they’ve worked on a project that’s of particular interest. Or, they could have even worked for a competitor! The advantage to you is not just access to the skillset either. With a wealth of experience in similar projects, your IT contractor will be able to start the project quickly without too much set up time.
We have been recruiting IT Contractors and permanent IT staff for over 19 years. We have access to an extensive network of experienced contractors. Let us know all about the project and we will find you an expert IT contractor who has the experience of undertaking that specific project.

Save LOTS of time!
Working with an IT contractor when it comes to project work is a real time saver. And it’s not only by saving you from having to trawl through the 100’s of applications you could receive if you advertised a vacancy. It’s reference checking, eligibility to work, payroll and everything else in-between! These are all things that we will complete for you when you hire an IT contractor.
The main benefits of hiring IT contractors
Whilst there are many benefits to hiring an IT contractor, we want to highlight the main ones –
- IT contractors can work out more cost effective than a permanent employee.
- Only pay for the work completed
- No additional cost of holiday pay, sick pay, pension or NI
- You don’t even need to supply them with a desk or a laptop
- IT contractors are available immediately, so no waiting for notice periods or risking counter-offers
- You agree project deliverables and deadlines prior to commencing the work
- You do not have to supervise an IT contractor – saving you time!
- Complete peace of mind when it comes to costs. Everything is agreed up front, so there’s no hidden surprises.
Why use Langley James?
At Langley James, we have the skills, experience, and market knowledge to help you and your company recruit the most qualified IT contract specialists. Our established IT Contract division can source candidates skilled in all mainstream and niche technologies in any area of the UK. And no need to worry about IR35 either. We will be with you every step of the way to make it as simple as possible.
May 20, 2024 | IT
“Unleashing Innovation: The Power of an Internal IT Department Over Outsourcing”

Internal IT department being innovative,
In today’s fast-paced business environment, innovation is key to staying ahead of the competition. One area where innovation plays a crucial role is in the realm of IT. Many companies face the decision of whether to have an internal IT department or to outsource their IT needs. While outsourcing may seem like a cost-effective solution in the short term, there are several reasons why having an internal IT department is the best choice when it comes to fostering innovation.
One of the main advantages of having an internal IT department is that the personnel are intimately familiar with the business and its unique needs. Unlike outsourced IT providers who may work with multiple clients and industries, internal IT staff have a deep understanding of the company’s operations, goals, and challenges. This insider knowledge allows them to tailor IT solutions that are specifically designed to meet the company’s needs and drive innovation.
Another key benefit of an internal IT department is that the staff are fully committed to the success of the company. Unlike outsourced providers who may have other clients and competing priorities, internal IT personnel are dedicated solely to the company they work for. This level of commitment and loyalty can lead to greater dedication to finding innovative solutions that drive the business forward.
Additionally, internal IT staff are an integral part of the fabric of the company. They are immersed in the company culture, values, and goals, which allows them to align IT initiatives with the overall strategic direction of the business. This alignment is essential for driving innovation that is in line with the company’s long-term objectives.
When it comes to innovation, having an internal IT department also fosters a culture of collaboration and creativity. Internal IT staff work closely with other departments and teams within the company, allowing for cross-functional collaboration that can lead to breakthrough innovations. This level of integration is difficult to achieve with outsourced IT providers who may not have the same level of interaction with the rest of the company.
In conclusion, when it comes to fostering innovation, having an internal IT department is the best choice for companies looking to stay ahead of the curve. Internal IT personnel bring a deep understanding of the business, a high level of commitment, and a culture of collaboration that is essential for driving innovation. If your company is looking to build a strong internal IT team, consider partnering with Langley James. With over 25 years of experience in assisting companies with the recruitment of permanent IT staff and IT contractors, Langley James can help you find the right talent to drive innovation and success within your organisation.
May 20, 2024 | IT

Click here for the whole report – produced by KPMG and REC which Langley James has been on the contributory panel for 15 years, UK Report on UK Jobs for April 24
Commenting on the latest survey results,
Neil Carberry, REC Chief Executive, said:
“The critical moment in any labour market slowdown is the point at which demand starts to turn around.
Today’s hiring data suggests that point is close, with fewer recruitment firms reporting a drop in demand.
While the trend is still gently down, the pace of decline in permanent hiring is the slowest in ten months.
Temporary hiring, which has had much less of a decline overall, also scored better than last month. Firms have told us all year that they will be willing to hire and invest in their business when confidence returns to the wider
economy – and there is a glimmer of lower inflation and the prospect of lower interest rates starting to drive that now.
“Pay continues to rise, with a slight bump up this month likely to have been driven by the April peak in employer pay rises and the recent Minimum Wage rise. With substantial wage rises attracting people to work, and low unemployment, businesses and government alike
will need new approaches to developing and engaging our labour force – alongside new technology – if the UK is going to grow in the way it needs to.
“Our flexible labour market is at the heart of this. It is one of the big success stories of the UK economy, with millions of workers and companies building their futures in ways that would not be possible in the one-size-fitsall approach of the past. It’s why, for instance, nurses
choose to work via agencies so they can get control over their working lives. Any government needs to work hard to understand what workers and companies need now – a more nuanced debate than is often centre stage in Whitehall and Westminster. A partnership approach
with businesses is essential.”
Jon Holt, Chief Executive and Senior Partner of KPMG in the UK, said:
“UK CEOs continue to grapple with the Bank’s hawkish stance on interest rates, and will no doubt hope April’s survey data is another marker in the sand on the journey towards a summer cut.
“While there are still complexities, like pay rates improving due in part to last month’s 9.8% rise in the National Living Wage, overall pressure is easing on the labour market.
Ongoing weak demand is driving the steady decline in permanent staff appointments month on month, and we’ve seen a sharp uptick in candidate availability.
“Business leaders see this cooling, combined with weakening inflationary pressure, as indicators for the Bank to hopefully shift to a more dovish position. Companies would then have the confidence and certainty to press go on their investment strategies.”
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