Oct 29, 2019 | IT, News
New Net Development Recruiter
Leading IT Recruitment Consultancy, Langley James has appointed Richard Jones as Principle Consultant focused on .Net Professionals in London and the Home Counties.
Richard brings with him a wealth of experience gained from a 10-year career in the recruitment industry. Most recently, Richard completed a very successful 3.5 year period as a Senior Consultant for Scantech within the IT and Cyber Security teams. He has worked in the recruitment sector since 2010 and previously held agency positions at IT recruiters Jam and Korus.
In addition to his recruitment prowess, Richard is a world-class sailor having competed internationally and is currently ranked number 2 in the world.
“We’re very pleased to welcome someone of Richard’s calibre to the team. Expanding our Software Development team with a .Net specialist recruiter compliments our service range neatly and will pave the way for further expansion into IT’s key talent short sectors.” Commented Kieran Delaney, Sales and Marketing Manager.
This year, Langley James celebrates its 20th birthday. In that time the business has grown into one of the UK’s most respected IT recruitment agencies working with a wide range of clients up and down the country. Focused mainly on IT Infrastructure, Software Development, Security and Support, Langley James has built a reputation for being able to provide strong, quality shortlists within just 72 hours of instruction.
“We owe much of our success to our focus on candidate attitude, client culture fit and career motivation. Most IT professionals can write a decent CV containing all the right keywords for our databases to search for, however fact matching only gets a recruiter so far. Our clients know that a Langley James candidate will not only possess all the essential qualifying criteria but will also likely match their unique vibe. Interviewing is a challenging skill that takes a great deal of practice to get right so, training and team sharing is at the heart of everything we do.” James Toovey, MD said in a recent interview.
Our expert IT recruitment consultants are here to take the pressure off you when recruiting someone new, permanent or contract. We liaise with candidates with the utmost care to ensure that their candidate experience is a positive one. Call us on 0207 788 6600 and let us help you Recruit Someone Worth Recruiting
Oct 28, 2019 | Management
Not many candidates enjoy interviews and hiring managers, viewing them as a necessary evil, struggle to find time to prepare properly to ensure that the best person for the job is hired. The joy of interviews!
Have you ever interviewed someone and thought that they were the ideal person for the job, only to find that once they are in situ, they are not the person they were at the interview? If so, you are not on your own. No-one presents the ‘real them’ in an interview situation and those that do the best are usually ones with the most conviction in their answers or have the best negotiating skills. But who wants an interview where the candidate is simply telling you what they think you want to hear?
We form decisions about people very quickly and based on our initial perception, which is very subjective, we can come to conclusions about interviewees that may be far removed from the truth.
So, how can you ensure that you are getting the best from the interviews you have?
Interviewing is such a huge factor in the recruitment process, so it is in everyone’s interest to get better at it. So often we hear from Company’s who have made hiring mistakes and not only do they have to start the whole process again but also have to account for the loss of time and revenue. In most cases, these companies have conducted vanilla interviews or used the interview as simply a friendly chat, more concerned about the personality of the individual as opposed to their skillset and attitude.
There is a fine line between vanilla and first degree interviews and the skill lies in combining the two. Prior to the interview, make 2 lists, one for technical skill set/job requirements and the other for characteristics of the ideal candidate.
Here are some suggestions to help you reveal thought patterns and prior behaviour in candidates – the best predictor of future behaviour.
- What circumstances bring you here today?
- Why are you interested in this job? What do you know about our Company?
- Tell me about your proudest moment at work.
- What do you want from your career and how does this help you get there?
- What are the things in your current role that you don’t enjoy doing?
- What are some things that your current employer could do differently that will, in your view, produce a better outcome or save money/time?
- What risks have you taken in your working life and what were the outcomes?
- What tools do you use to stay organised?
- How do you deal with stress?
- How do you raise the bar for yourself and others?
- What unique experience separates you from the other candidates?
- Tell me something interesting that will help me remember you over and above the other candidates
Interviews give both you and the candidate a sneak preview of what it will be like to work together. Remember that in the current market, employed candidates are not desperate for a job and are more often than not looking for a better opportunity than their current employer is providing. With candidates often interviewing at 2-3 companies in a week, it is important that you are prepared and arouse further desire in the candidates to join your company as opposed to any other.
Our expert IT recruitment consultants are here to take the pressure off you when recruiting someone new, permanent or contract. We liaise with candidates with the utmost care to ensure that their candidate experience is a positive one. Call us on 0207 788 6600 and let us help you Recruit Someone Worth Recruiting.
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