Recruiting Facts and Stats for 2022
Dec 8, 2021
Recruiting Facts and Stats for 2022
Dec 8, 2021

Recruiting over the last 12 months has been an interesting ride. Remote working, skills shortages and record numbers of vacancies has all had an impact. But as we creep ever closer to the end of 2021, what will next year bring?  We’ve scoured the market to find the most important recruiting facts and stats you need to know for 2022.

More than 76% of UK professionals intend to look for a new job in 2022 (CV Library)

The great resignation is set to continue into 2022, so it really is time to be prepared! Looking after your current team must be high on your priorities or you may spend most of the first half of 2022 interviewing replacements. The top 5 reasons that candidates want to move from their current job are –

  • 42.1% want or need a career change
  • 41.3% are looking for a higher salary
  • 40.7% have delayed changing jobs due to the pandemic – they are now ready to move
  • 38.9% are looking for more flexible work options
  • 33.2% are experiencing burnout in their current job

working from home

Flexible working has changed the face of recruiting

To be able to attract and retain some of the best IT talent, most companies are now offering flexible working, but that’s not all. How we work how we interview, how we hire and how we onboard have changed. So, here’s what to expect for 2022

  • 86% of workers want to continue to work remotely at least part time (Glassdoor)
  • Candidates are willing to sacrifice up to 12% of salary for flexible or hybrid working
  • 61% of candidates expect video interviews to become the norm for 1st stage interviews
  • 73% of companies plan to increase freelance or contract hires in 2022. However, except to pay more! Nearly 90% of businesses have been forced to increase contractor rates since April 2021.

Candidate expectations

The power is most definitely with the candidate now. The skills shortage has made sure of that. But when it comes to recruiting the best candidates, there are some things that you need to be aware of –

  • 49% of candidates have declined a job offer due to a poor recruitment experience (be sure to partner with a reputable recruitment agency like Langley James instead!)
  • Company diversity is important to over 75% of candidates
  • If you have a reputable brand, you are likely to receive as many as 50% more qualified applications
  • 84% of job seekers use social media for their job search

How to make sure your recruiting plans for 2022 are right

According to LinkedIn, the average time to hire in IT is 44 days. So even if you start to recruit the minute you return from your no doubt well-deserved Christmas break, you’re looking to March for your new starter to join. And if the predictions are right, this process could be set to take even longer next year. This where you need a recruitment partner that you can trust. Someone who can research the market for you and make recommendations to ensure you attract the very best IT professionals. We have been helping companies to recruit IT staff for over 20 years. We’d love to do the same for you. Get in touch with our experienced team today and find out why so many people choose Langley James as their IT recruitment partner.

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