What do burgers have to do with recruitment?
Oct 24, 2018
What do burgers have to do with recruitment?
Oct 24, 2018

It’s Burger Day and you know exactly what kind of burger you want; a double patty with melted cheese, caramelized onion and all the fixings! You can almost taste it already, can’t you?

That’s what it’s like when you’re looking for the right person to join your IT team. You know what you want, but finding them, well…isn’t always that easy…unless you have the right recruitment partner.

Someone who uses all their resources to understand exactly what you want. Who takes the time to understand the how, the what and the why of your business, not just the who.

And then sends you a shortlist of candidates summarized by their key attributes and benefits, and why they’d be good for your business, not just a pile of CV’s.

This is Langley James Recruitment and this is what we can do for you. Since 1999 we’ve been recruiting for the London IT industry.

Talk to us, we can help you find the right people for your IT business. Junior, intermediate or senior, our database is extensive and we work until we find the people who match exactly what you have in mind.

Call us on 0207 099 4839 or email langleyjames@langleyjames.com.

And while we’re on the subject of burgers…. Go on order your favourite, you know you want to!

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