IT: The Second Coming
Sep 7, 2013
IT: The Second Coming
Sep 7, 2013

The future is here: and it’s you

The masses are panicking: you’re taking their jobs.  Technology is taking over the world, from Supermarket Self-Service Checkouts to Smart Phones.

Should you feel guilty?  Of course not!  Now is the time to feel pride:  Information Technology saves lives, increases safety, educates people, enhances communication and has revolutionised healthcare.  Let’s celebrate the bright future of IT by looking at just a few of the amazing developments that are happening right now.

Robotic pack mules
These tough, bullet-proof robots can carry 400lb of supplies over 20 miles (or up to 24hrs).  This innovation has the potential to significantly ease the physical burden on the military.  $10,000,000 has just been invested in developing a silent model for use in stealth missions, as well as increasing defences to the head area of the mule, where the majority of the sensors are.

Driverless cars
Thanks to developments in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), driverless cars are becoming a reality.  They are already being tested (under engineer supervision) and could be seen on the roads by 2020.  Imagine a car that could drop you off at the shops, and then pick you up when you instruct it to with your smart phone app.  Potentially, traffic accidents could be eliminated as this technology advances.  Could 1st line support take over from the AA?

Self-Healing machines
The emergence of Industrial Internet has made it possible to develop machines with Artificial Intelligence, capable of interacting with data, other machines and end users, to self-diagnose and correct themselves.   A report issued by GE predicts that this technology could add €2.2 trillion to European GDP by 2030.

Robotic surgery
The precision of robots has made medical surgery an ideal area to develop their use.  However, human decision-making is still superior to a robot’s when it comes to surgery.  At Imperial College, London, they are solving this problem by developing a technique called “perceptual docking”, where the eye movements of the surgeon are tracked to teach robots the cognitive and decision-making processes involved in surgery.  This has exciting implication for the future of surgery.

Massive growth in IT but where are the people?

All these developments mean that there will be increased demand for IT professionals for a long time to come.  In addition to the superstars needed to develop the technology, experts will be required to maintain and care for the systems as well as train others in their use.  This means you will need to work hard to secure the talent you need.

Here at Langley James we know how to find the most talented, vibrant IT professionals available, from Developers and Designers to Project Managers and IT Directors.  Whatever your requirements, permanent or contract, and up to the highest level of seniority, we can match you with the ideal candidate to help your business grow.  To discuss your IT recruitment needs please call us on 0207 099 4839 or email us at

What are you excited about?
We’d love to hear what excites you about the future of IT.  We’d love you to join in the conversation.  Tweet us @ITRecruitment or follow us on Facebook.

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