How to Effectively Conduct an Interview
Sep 18, 2024
How to Effectively Conduct an Interview
Sep 18, 2024

Interviews – they are the most effective way to reduce your shortlist, while getting to know your new potential employees. You’ve probably completed lots of interviews, however, the power really is now with the candidate.  As candidate experience takes over the hiring process, there are a few ways you can ensure a candidate will leave wanting not only the job, but also a genuine desire to work for your company. It’s easy, when it comes to interviewing in IT, to focus purely on the technical skillset. But it’s so important to also test for personality and team fit. Doing this right can mean that you retain your new employee for a lot longer than if you only looked at tech skills.

Why it’s so important to conduct an effective interview in IT

Interviews give candidates the opportunity to get to know your company more. It’s their chance to understand whether you’re the right fit for them.  You are essentially being interviewed too. Even if someone isn’t the one for the job, leave them with a positive feeling about your company.

Candidate experience is important. We live in an age where people happily share their experiences with others. Whether candidates have a positive or negative experience in an interview, they are likely to share this with their network; influencing whether you’ll attract top talent in the near future.

It is still a candidate driven market, particularly in permanent IT recruitment. Your competitors are fighting for the same talent. Therefore, it is important that your interview process engages candidates, making them feel a part of your company, even at this early stage

Before you hold your next interviews, try to reflect on what your current recruitment process says about you. Then make effective changes if needed to ensure you’re being viewed as you’d hoped.

Check out our top tips below on creating the best interview experience for your candidates and get your first-choice IT hire.


Make the first impression a lasting one – for the right reasons

First impressions on both ends of the spectrum count. A candidate’s performance influences their likelihood of moving through the hiring process. Likewise, your processes influences a candidate’s decision if they want to progress to the next stage.

Is your company culture is relaxed and creative? Make sure that your interview has the same feel.  A corporate interview style could potentially put those candidates off who will best fit your culture.  An interview is the best opportunity to give candidates a true and transparent insight into your company and values.

interview tips

Avoid a ‘checklist’ approach to your interview

Some hiring managers find interviews a little awkward.  If this is you then you’ll probably find it easier to follow a checklist when interviewing. You may have heard that this is the fairest way to compare candidates? Whilst this is true, it’s important to still inject personality.  A list of questions can be disengaging and often leaves you knowing nothing about the candidate’s personality or team fit.

Of course, there are key areas to run through and certain criteria you are looking for. However, finding the most perfect candidate by simply filling all of your tick boxes is unrealistic.

Instead of running through the same process, interview after interview, let conversation flow.  How else are you going to really find out what makes the candidate tick? Don’t let your interview process drive your candidates to your competitors!

Share your company culture and values

It is important that you share your company values, goals, and ways of working at the interview. The way you conduct business will influence a candidate’s decision. With that said, it’s best for candidates to understand your culture now, and whether it is for them.  This is key for both parties. A candidate who fits your culture is likely to be more engaged, more productive and stay with you for longer.

During this part of the interview, it’s also important to share what happens outside of the office doors. What exciting projects are you involved in? Do you with within your community to give something back? Candidates are keen to secure careers with companies that share their values. An interview is the perfect place to start.

Additionally, when it comes to IT, lots of candidates are keen to keep learning and developing their skills. Are you an early adopter of up and coming technology? Or, are you always looking for ways that technology can continue to help your business thrive? IT candidates love to hear about the importance you place on technology and what it can do for your business now and in the future.


Engage candidates as much as possible throughout the interview

Another way to ensure your candidates feel excited about your job offering and workplace is to ensure engagement is continuous. Provide opportunities throughout the interview for questions, share your own experiences at the company, and really humanise the conversation.

An interview should be a two-way exchange.  At the end of an interview, you should feel that both you and the candidate have a better understanding of each other.


If you’re looking for the best possible candidates for interview, get in touch with our team today. We specialise in permanent and contract IT recruitment, helping companies just like you source the very best candidates!

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