The Exit Interview
Jul 4, 2016
The Exit Interview
Jul 4, 2016

The Exit Interview
Once an employee has decided they are leaving it is best practice to arrange an exit interview. An exit Interview will offer a fleeting opportunity to find out information that otherwise might be more difficult or impossible to obtain.

The following are some thoughts on the exit interview: Interviews can be conducted orally or written. Exit interview questions are essential to a successful separation. Here are some tips on how to construct these questions.

  1. Save the hardest questions for the latter part of the interview. Work up to the tough stuff!

  2. A good question to break the ice is ‘would you like for us to be a reference or recommendation for you’? Do not make this offer if you would not recommend the employee!

  3. Be prepared for some bombshells. Expect the unexpected, if it ever is to happen it will happen in an exit interview.

  4. Look for open-ended questions that allow for plenty of expression. An example of this might be “how did you feel you were managed during your employment with us?” or “how do you feel the company is run?”

  5. Other excellent questions are ‘under what conditions would you have stayed?’ and ‘if you had had a magic wand, what would you have changed?’

  6. At some point in the interview ask ‘why are you leaving?’ if you do not already know.

  7. Good general questions are ‘what did you like most (least) about your position?’

  8. Try to find out if there were things the departing employee would suggest to improve conditions, production or morale.

  9. Try to get a good feel for how they viewed their compensation and benefits package.

  10. Leave room at the end of the interview for general comments. one or two of your proudest professional accomplishments.

Here are some examples of Exit Interview Questions.

  1. Before deciding to leave, did you explore the possibility of a transfer?

  2. Is there something you didn’t like about your boss?

  3. How would you rate our work environment?

  4. Were you happy with your salary and benefits?

  5. What did you think about your performance and salary reviews?

  6. How should we change the way we do things to avoid losing other good employees?


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