7 Reasons why you shouldn’t counter offer an IT Employee if they resign.
Jan 17, 2024
7 Reasons why you shouldn’t counter offer an IT Employee if they resign.
Jan 17, 2024

              7 Reasons why you shouldn’t counter offer an IT Employee if they resign.

Counter offering an IT employee who has resigned may seem like a logical strategy to retain talent, but there are several reasons why it might not be the best approach. Here are some considerations:


  1. Underlying Issues Remain Unresolved: If an employee has decided to resign, it often indicates that there are underlying issues that led to this decision. A counter offer may address the immediate concern of compensation, but it doesn’t necessarily resolve deeper issues related to job satisfaction, career growth, or work environment. The employee may still be dissatisfied despite the increased salary.


  1. Impact on Team Morale: Granting a counter offer to one employee can have repercussions on team morale. Other team members may become aware of the counter offer, leading to feelings of inequality and discontent. It can create a perception that salary adjustments are only made when someone threatens to leave, potentially damaging the overall team dynamic.


  1. Questionable Long-Term Commitment: Accepting a counter offer might not necessarily mean the employee is committed for the long term. The decision to resign may have been influenced by factors beyond just compensation, such as career development, work-life balance, or company culture. A counter offer might only delay the inevitable, as the employee may continue to explore other opportunities.


  1. Trust Issues: Counter offers can create trust issues between the employer and the employee. The employee may question why they weren’t offered a competitive package initially or may wonder if their loyalty is genuinely valued. This can impact the employee’s trust in the organisation and its commitment to their professional growth.


  1. Potential for Future Departures: Granting a counter offer might set a precedent, leading other employees to consider the same path when seeking salary adjustments. This can create an environment where employees feel they need to threaten resignation to receive fair compensation, fostering a culture of negotiation rather than open communication about expectations.


  1. Limited Scope for Addressing Other Concerns: A counter offer primarily focuses on financial incentives. It might overlook other factors that contribute to job satisfaction, such as the work environment, professional development opportunities, or a healthy work-life balance. Failure to address these broader concerns may result in the employee feeling dissatisfied in the long run.


  1. Opportunity Cost: The resources invested in creating and negotiating a counter offer could be better utilised in initiatives that benefit the entire team or organisation. Allocating time and resources to address the root causes of dissatisfaction across the team could have a more significant and lasting impact.



While counter offering may be a tempting short-term solution to retain talent, it may not address the core issues that led to the employee’s decision to resign. A more comprehensive approach involving open communication, addressing concerns holistically, and creating an inclusive and satisfying work environment is likely to yield better results in the long run.




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