Read interesting blogs on essential topics as part of the Langley James blog.
For candidates, we share insights on how to create the best CV and prepare for the perfect IT interview, among other things.
For companies looking to recruit in IT, learn more about IT recruitment trends, market insight and more.
How to Write the Perfect Job Description for any IT Job
Not only should each employee have a clear job description as part of the HR process, crafting the perfect job description can actually help you to secure the best talent. But it’s not just that! A poor job description, or none at all could actually be preventing you from hiring the best IT talent.
Top 4 Tips for Hiring the Right Employee in IT
Hiring the right employee is key to the success of your business. But in a skills crisis you may find yourself having to be a little more flexible than in previous years. However, there are still some key things you need to look for when hiring.
IT Accreditations Explained
IT Accreditations Explained
Preparing Your Business for the Build-up to Christmas
As we approach the end of November, there's no getting away from the fact that Christmas is just...
3 Simple Ways To Speed Up Your IT Hiring Process
Your IT hiring process, if lengthy, may be preventing you from securing the best staff. Whilst we’ve always recommended working quickly when it comes to recruitment, it’s now more important than ever.
Soft Skills in IT Recruitment and How to Assess Them
Soft Skills and How to Assess Them Assessing a candidate’s professional or ‘hard’ skill...
When Employees Take The Festive Fun Too Far…
The Christmas adverts are on the telly, lists of ‘must-have’ presents are being compiled and carols will soon accompany shoppers on their travails, but as the works Christmas party looms, it is important organisations don’t get too caught up in the festive spirit.
Soft Skills Gaining Importance in IT Recruitment
Soft Skills gaining importance in IT Recruitment Adaptability is a priority in IT...
Trick Or Treat
Halloween can be an enjoyable time of year or a very scary time for others… a lot like recruitment! The uncertainty of not knowing if your new hire is going to be a trick or a treat can be a worrying time for many.
Should you hire the Grim Reaper?
What’s really scary? Making the wrong hire. It not only costs the company money but also...